PSCONTOUR - PostScript CONTOURing of a two-dimensional function f(x1,x2)

 pscontour n1= [optional parameters] <binaryfile >postscriptfile 

 Required Parameters:                                      
 n1                     number of samples in 1st (fast) dimension

 Optional Parameters:                                      
 d1=1.0                 sampling interval in 1st dimension       
 f1=d1                  first sample in 1st dimension            
 x1=f1,f1+d1,...        array of monotonic sampled values in 1st dimension
 n2=all                 number of samples in 2nd (slow) dimension
 d2=1.0                 sampling interval in 2nd dimension       
 f2=d2                  first sample in 2nd dimension            
 x2=f2,f2+d2,...        array of monotonic sampled values in 2nd dimension
 nc=5                   number of contour values                 
 dc=(zmax-zmin)/nc      contour interval                   
 fc=min+dc              first contour                            
 c=fc,fc+dc,...         array of contour values            
 cwidth=1.0,...         array of contour line widths             
 cgray=0.0,...          array of contour grays (0.0=black to 1.0=white)
 ccolor=none,...        array of contour colors; none means use cgray  
 cdash=0.0,...          array of dash spacings (0.0 for solid)         
 labelcf=1              first labeled contour (1,2,3,...)        
 labelcper=1            label every labelcper-th contour         
 nlabelc=nc             number of labeled contours (0 no contour label)
 xbox=1.5               offset in inches of left side of axes box
 ybox=1.5               offset in inches of bottom side of axes box    
 wbox=6.0               width in inches of axes box              
 hbox=8.0               height in inches of axes box             
 x1beg=x1min            value at which axis 1 begins             
 x1end=x1max            value at which axis 1 ends               
 d1num=0.0              numbered tic interval on axis 1 (0.0 for automatic)
 f1num=x1min            first numbered tic on axis 1 (used if d1num not 0.0)
 n1tic=1                number of tics per numbered tic on axis 1
 grid1=none             grid lines on axis 1 - none, dot, dash, or solid
 label1=                label on axis 1                    
 x2beg=x2min            value at which axis 2 begins             
 x2end=x2max            value at which axis 2 ends               
 d2num=0.0              numbered tic interval on axis 2 (0.0 for automatic)
 f2num=x2min            first numbered tic on axis 2 (used if d2num not 0.0)
 n2tic=1                number of tics per numbered tic on axis 2
 grid2=none             grid lines on axis 2 - none, dot, dash, or solid
 label2=                label on axis 2                    
 labelfont=Helvetica    font name for axes labels                
 labelsize=18           font size for axes labels                
 title=                 title of plot                            
 titlefont=Helvetica-Bold font name for title                    
 titlesize=24           font size for title                      
 labelcfont=Helvetica-Bold font name for contour labels          
 labelcsize=6           font size of contour labels                    
 labelccolor=black      color of contour labels                  
 titlecolor=black       color of title                           
 axescolor=black        color of axes                            
 gridcolor=black        color of grid                            
 axeswidth=1            width (in points) of axes                
 ticwidth=axeswidth     width (in points) of tic marks           
 gridwidth=axeswidth    width (in points) of grid lines          
 style=seismic          normal (axis 1 horizontal, axis 2 vertical) or 
                        seismic (axis 1 vertical, axis 2 horizontal)   

 The line width of unlabeled contours is designed as a quarter of that 
 of labeled contours.                                      

 All color specifications may also be made in X Window style Hex format
 example:   axescolor=#255                                 

 type:   sudoc pscontour    for more information                 


 For nice even-numbered contours, use the parameters  fc and dc

 Example: if the range of the z values of a data set range between
 approximately -1000 and +1000, then use fc=-1000 nc=10 and dc=100
 to get contours spaced by even 100's.

 AUTHOR:  Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 05/29/90
 MODIFIED:  Craig Artley, Colorado School of Mines, 08/30/91
            BoundingBox moved to top of PostScript output
 MODIFIED:  Zhenyue Liu, Colorado School of Mines, 08/26/93
            Values are labeled on contours 
 MODIFIED:  Craig Artley, Colorado School of Mines, 12/16/93
            Added color options (Courtesy of Dave Hale, Advance Geophysical).
 Modified: Morten Wendell Pedersen, Aarhus University, 23/3-97
           Added ticwidth,axeswidth, gridwidth parameters