PSCUBE - PostScript image plot of a data CUBE                

 pscube n1= n2= n3= [optional parameters] <binaryfile >postscriptfile  
 pscube n1= n2= n3= front= side= top= [optional parameters] >postscriptfile

 Data formats supported:                                   
      1. Entire cube read from stdin (n1*n2*n3 floats) [default format]
      2. Faces read from stdin (n1*n2 floats for front, followed by n1*n3
         floats for side, and n2*n3 floats for top) [specify faces=1]  
      3. Faces read from separate data files [specify filenames] 

 Required Parameters:                                      
 n1                     number of samples in 1st (fastest) dimension   
 n2                     number of samples in 2nd dimension       
 n3                     number of samples in 3rd (slowest) dimension   

 Optional Parameters:                                      
 front                  name of file containing front panel      
 side                   name of file containing side panel       
 top                    name of file containing top panel        
 faces=0                =1 to read faces from stdin (data format 2)    
 d1=1.0                 sampling interval in 1st dimension       
 f1=0.0                 first sample in 1st dimension            
 d2=1.0                 sampling interval in 2nd dimension       
 f2=0.0                 first sample in 2nd dimension            
 d3=1.0                 sampling interval in 3rd dimension       
 f3=0.0                 first sample in 3rd dimension            
 perc=100.0             percentile used to determine clip        
 clip=(perc percentile) clip used to determine bclip and wclip         
 bperc=perc             percentile for determining black clip value    
 wperc=100.0-perc       percentile for determining white clip value    
 bclip=clip             data values outside of [bclip,wclip] are clipped
 wclip=-clip            data values outside of [bclip,wclip] are clipped
 brgb=0.0,0.0,0.0       red, green, blue values corresponding to black 
 wrgb=1.0,1.0,1.0       red, green, blue values corresponding to white 
 bhls=0.0,0.0,0.0       hue, lightness, saturation corresponding to black
 whls=0.0,1.0,0.0       hue, lightness, saturation corresponding to white
 bps=12                 bits per sample for color plots, either 12 or 24
 d1s=1.0                factor by which to scale d1 before imaging     
 d2s=1.0                factor by which to scale d2 before imaging     
 d3s=1.0                factor by which to scale d3 before imaging     
 verbose=1              =1 for info printed on stderr (0 for no info)  
 xbox=1.5               offset in inches of left side of axes box
 ybox=1.5               offset in inches of bottom side of axes box    
 size1=4.0              size in inches of 1st axes (vertical)          
 size2=4.0              size in inches of 2nd axes (horizontal)  
 size3=3.0              size in inches of 3rd axes (projected)         
 angle=45               projection angle of cube in degrees (0<angle<90)
                        (angle between 2nd axis and projected 3rd axis)
 x1beg=x1min            value at which axis 1 begins             
 x1end=x1max            value at which axis 1 ends               
 d1num=0.0              numbered tic interval on axis 1 (0.0 for automatic)
 f1num=x1min            first numbered tic on axis 1 (used if d1num not 0.0)
 n1tic=1                number of tics per numbered tic on axis 1
 grid1=none             grid lines on axis 1 - none, dot, dash, or solid
 label1=                label on axis 1                    
 x2beg=x2min            value at which axis 2 begins             
 x2end=x2max            value at which axis 2 ends               
 d2num=0.0              numbered tic interval on axis 2 (0.0 for automatic)
 f2num=x2min            first numbered tic on axis 2 (used if d2num not 0.0)
 n2tic=1                number of tics per numbered tic on axis 2
 grid2=none             grid lines on axis 2 - none, dot, dash, or solid
 label2=                label on axis 2                    
 x3beg=x3min            value at which axis 3 begins             
 x3end=x3max            value at which axis 3 ends               
 d3num=0.0              numbered tic interval on axis 3 (0.0 for automatic)
 f3num=x3min            first numbered tic on axis 3 (used if d3num not 0.0)
 n3tic=1                number of tics per numbered tic on axis 3
 grid3=none             grid lines on axis 3 - none, dot, dash, or solid
 label3=                label on axis 3                    
 labelfont=Helvetica    font name for axes labels                
 labelsize=18           font size for axes labels                
 title=                 title of plot                            
 titlefont=Helvetica-Bold font name for title                    
 titlesize=24           font size for title                      
 titlecolor=black       color of title                           
 axescolor=black        color of axes                            
 gridcolor=black        color of grid                            

 All color specifications may also be made in X Window style Hex format
 example:   axescolor=#255