SUADDNOISE - add noise to traces                    

 suaddnoise <stdin >stdout  sn=20  noise=gauss  seed=from_clock  

 Required parameters:                                      
      if any of f=f1,f2,... and amp=a1,a2,... are specified by the user
      and if dt is not set in header, then dt is mandatory       

 Optional parameters:                                      
      sn=20             signal to noise ratio              
      noise=gauss       noise probability distribution           
                        =flat for uniform; default Gaussian
      seed=from_clock         random number seed (integer)       
      f=f1,f2,...       array of filter frequencies (as in sufilter)
      amps=a1,a2,...          array of filter amplitudes         
      dt= (from header) time sampling interval (sec)       
      verbose=0         =1 for echoing useful information  

      tmpdir=     if non-empty, use the value as a directory path     
             prefix for storing temporary files; else if the     
               the CWP_TMPDIR environment variable is set use          
               its value for the path; else use tmpfile()        

 Output = Signal +  scale * Noise                          

 scale = (1/sn) * (absmax_signal/sqrt(2))/sqrt(energy_per_sample)

 If the signal is already band-limited, f=f1,f2,... and amps=a1,a2,... 
 can be used, as in sufilter, to bandlimit the noise traces to match   
 the signal band prior to computing the scale defined above.           

 Examples of noise bandlimiting:                           
 low freqency:    suaddnoise < data f=40,50 amps=1,0 | ...       
 high freqency:   suaddnoise < data f=40,50 amps=0,1 | ...       
 near monochromatic: suaddnoise < data f=30,40,50 amps=0,1,0 | ...     
 with a notch:    suaddnoise < data f=30,40,50 amps=1,0,1 | ...  
 bandlimited:     suaddnoise < data f=20,30,40,50 amps=0,1,1,0 | ...   

      CWP: Jack Cohen, Brian Sumner, Ken Larner
            John Stockwell (fixed filtered noise option)

      At S/N = 2, the strongest reflector is well delineated, so to
      see something 1/nth as strong as this dominant reflector
      requires S/N = 2*n.

 Trace header field accessed: ns