SUAZIMUTH - compute trace AZIMUTH given the sx,sy,gx,gy header fields and set a user-specified header field to this value 

  suazimuth <stdin >stdout [optional parameters]                 

 Required parameters:                                      

 Optional parameters:                                      
 key=otrav        header field to store computed azimuths in     
 scale=1.0        value(key) = scale * azimuth             
 az=0             0-179.9999 deg convention, reciprocity assumed 
                  =1 0-359.999 deg convention, points from source
                  to receiver                        
 sector=1.0       if set, defines output in sectors of size
                  sector=degrees_per_sector, the default mode is 
                  the full range of angles specified by az 
 The value of header word "key" is computed from the values of   
 sx,sy,gx,gy. The output field "otrav" was chosen arbitrarily as an    
 example of a little-used header field, however, the user may choose   
 any field that is convenient for his or her application.        

 Setting the sector=number_of_degrees_per_sector sets key field to     
 sector number rather than an angle in degrees.            

 For az=0, azimuths are measured from the North, however, reciprocity 
 is assumed, so azimuths go from 0 to 179.9999 degrees. If sector option
 is set, then the range is from 0 to 180/sector.                 

 For az=1, azimuths are measured from the North, with the assumption that
 the direction vector points from the receiver to the source, no 
 reciprocity is assumed, so the angles go from 0 to 359.999 degrees.   
 If the sector option is set, then the range is from 0 to 360/sector.  

 Type: sukeyword -o    to see the keywords and descriptions of all     
                   header fields.                          

 To plot midpoints, use:     su3dchart                           

      based on suchw, su3dchart
      CWP: John Stockwell and  UTulsa: Chris Liner, Oct 1998
    midpoint x  value  xm = (sx + gx)/2
    midpoint y  value  ym = (sy + gy)/2
   Azimuth will be defined as the angle, measured in degrees,
   turned from North, of a vector pointing to the source from the midpoint,
   or from the midpoint to the source. Azimuths go from 0-179.000 degrees
   or from 0-180.0 degrees.
   value(key) = scale*[90.0 - (180.0/PI)*(atan((sy - ym)/(sx - xm))) ]
   value(key) = scale*[180.0 - (180.0/PI)*(atan2((ym - sy),(xm - sx)) ]
   Trace header fields accessed: sx, sy, gx, gy, scalco.