SUDIVSTACK -  Diversity Stacking using either average power or peak power within windows                      

 Required parameters:                                     

 Optional parameters:                                      
 winlen=0.064           window length in seconds.                
                  typical choices: 0.064, 0.128, 0.256,          
                                    0.512, 1.024, 2.048, 4.096   
                  if not specified the entire trace is used

 peak=1          peak power option default is average power     

 Diversity stacking is a noise reduction technique used in the summation
 of duplicate data. Each trace is scaled by the inverse of its average 
 power      prior to stacking.  The composite trace is then renormalized     
 by dividing by the sum of the scalers used.                     

 This program stacks adjacent traces which have the              
 same tracf (trace number within field record) in the segy header.     

 For duplicate field shot records:                         
      susort < sx tracf | sudivstack                  
 For CDP ordered data:                                     
      suchw < key1=tracf key2=cdp | sudivstack          
 For CDP ordered data:                                     
      sudivstack < stdin > stdout [optional parameters]          

 For further information, type:   sudivstack  <CR>               

      Author: Mary Palen-Murphy
            Masters' candidate, Colorado School of Mines,
            Geophysics Department, 1994


 Embree, P.,1968, Diversity seismic record stacking method and system:
 U.S. patent 3,398,396.

 Gimlin, D. R., and Smith, J. W., 1980, A comparison of seismic trace
 summing techniques: Geophysics, vol. 45, pages 1017-1041.

 Trace header fields accessed: ns, dt, tracf
 Trace header fields modified: tracl