SUFFT - fft real time traces to complex frequency traces     

 suftt <stdin >sdout sign=1                                

 Required parameters:                                      

 Optional parameters:                                      
 sign=1                 sign in exponent of fft            
 dt=from header         sampling interval            
 verbose=1        =0 to stop advisory messages             

 Notes: To facilitate further processing, the sampling interval  
 in frequency and first frequency (0) are set in the             
 output header.                                      

 sufft | suifft is not quite a no-op since the trace             
 length will usually be longer due to fft padding.               

 No check is made that the data IS real time traces!             

 Output is type complex. To view amplitude, phase or real, imaginary   
 parts, use    suamp                                       

 sufft < stdin | suamp mode=amp | ....                     
 sufft < stdin | suamp mode=phase | ....                   
 sufft < stdin | suamp mode=real | ....                    
 sufft < stdin | suamp mode=imag | ....                    


      CWP: Shuki Ronen, Chris Liner, Jack K. Cohen

 Note: leave dt set for later inversion

 Trace header fields accessed: ns, dt
 Trace header fields modified: ns, d1, f1, trid