SUGAZMIG - SU version of Jeno GAZDAG's phase-shift migration for zero-offset data.

 sugazmig <infile >outfile vfile= [optional parameters]          

 Optional Parameters:                                      
 dt=from header(dt) or  .004  time sampling interval             
 dx=from header(d2) or 1.0    midpoint sampling interval         
 ft=0.0                 first time sample            
 ntau=nt(from data)     number of migrated time samples                
 dtau=dt(from header)   migrated time sampling interval                
 ftau=ft          first migrated time sample               
 tmig=0.0         times corresponding to interval velocities in vmig
 vmig=1500.0            interval velocities corresponding to times in tmig
 vfile=           name of file containing velocities       

 verbose=0  verbose = 1 echoes information                       

 tmpdir=     if non-empty, use the value as a directory path     
             prefix for storing temporary files; else if the     
               the CWP_TMPDIR environment variable is set use          
               its value for the path; else use tmpfile()        

 Note: ray bending effects not accounted for in this version.          

 The tmig and vmig arrays specify an interval velocity function of time.
 Linear interpolation and constant extrapolation is used to determine  
 interval velocities at times not specified.  Values specified in tmig 
 must increase monotonically.                              

 Alternatively, interval velocities may be stored in a binary file     
 containing one velocity for every time sample in the data that is to be
 migrated.  If vfile is specified, then the tmig and vmig arrays are ignored.

 Credits: CWP John Stockwell 12 Oct 1992
      Based on a constant v version by Dave Hale.

 Trace header fields accessed: ns, dt, delrt, d2
 Trace header fields modified: ns, dt, delrt