SUMIGFD - 45-90 degree Finite difference migration for zero-offset data.

   sumigfd <infile >outfile vfile= [optional parameters]         

 Required Parameters:                                      
 nz=        number of depth sapmles                        
 dz=        depth sampling interval                        
 vfile=     name of file containing velocities             
            (see Notes below concerning format of this file)     

 Optional Parameters:                                      
 dt=from header(dt) or .004    time sampling interval            
 dx=from header(d2) or 1.0    midpoint sampling interval         
 dip=45,65,79,80,87,89,90     Maximum angle of dip reflector           

 tmpdir=    if non-empty, use the value as a directory path      
            prefix for storing temporary files; else if the      
            the CWP_TMPDIR environment variable is set use       
            its value for the path; else use tmpfile()           
 Notes:                                               ",
 The computation cost by dip angle is 45=65=79<80<87<89<90       
 The structure of input velocity file is vfile[iz][ix]. Note that the  
  x-direction is the fastest direction instead of z-direction! Such a  
 structure is more convenient for the downward continuation type 
 migration algorithm than the usual z as fastest dimension encountered
 in other SU programs.                                     
 Because most of the velocity file is in vfile[ix][iz] structure, you  
 can use \'transp\' in SU to transpose them into vfile[iz][ix] structure.

 Credits: CWP Baoniu Han, April 20th, 1998

 Trace header fields accessed: ns, dt, delrt, d2
 Trace header fields modified: ns, dt, delrt