SUWEIGHT - weight traces by header parameter, such as offset 

   suweight < stdin > stdout [optional parameters]               

 Required Parameters:                                      

 Optional parameters:                                      
 key=offset keyword of header field to weight traces by          
 a=1.0            constant weighting parameter (see notes below)       
 b=.0005    variable weighting parameter (see notes below)       

... or use values of a header field for the weighting ...        

 key2=            keyword of header field to draw weights from         
 scale=.0001      scale factor to apply to header field values         

 This code is initially written with offset weighting in mind, but may be used for other, user-specified schemes.                  

 The rationale for this program is to correct for unwanted linear amplitude trends with offset prior to either CMP stacking or AVO work. The code has to be edited should other functions of a keyword be required.

 The default form of the weighting is to multiply the amplitudes of the traces by a factor of:    ( a + b*keyword).                      

 If key2=  header field is  set then this program uses the weighting values read from that header field, instead. Note, that because most header fields are integers, the scale=.0001 permits 10001 in the header to represent 1.0001.                                         

 To see the list of available keywords, type:    sukeyword  -o  <CR>   

 Author: CWP: John Stockwell  February 1999.

 Written for Chris Walker of UniqueStep Ltd., Bedford, U.K.

 header fields accessed: ns, keyword