UNI2TRI - convert UNIformly sampled model
to a TRIangulated model
uni2tri <slothfile >modelfile n2= n1= [optional parameters]
Required Parameters:
n1= number of samples in first (fast) dimension
number of samples in second dimension
Optional Parameters:
d1=1.0 sampling interval in dimension 1
sampling interval in dimension 2
f1=0.0 first value
in dimension 1
f2=0.0 first value in dimesion 2
triangulated model file used as initial model
errmax= maximum sloth error (see notes
verbose=1 =0 for silence
=1 to report maximum
error at each stage to stderr
=2 to also write the normalized error to
filename for error file (for verbose=2)
mm=0 output
every mm-th intermediate model (0 for none)
intermediate models written to intmodel%d
method=3 =1 add 1 vertex at maximum error
=2 add vertex to every triangle that exceeds
method 2, but avoid closely spaced vertices
tol=10 closeness criterion for (in samples)
sfill= x,
z, x0, z0, s00, dsdx, dsdz to fill a region
Triangles are constructed until the maximum
error is
not greater than the user-specified
errmax. The default errmax
is 1% of the maximum value in the sampled input file.
After the uniform values have been
triangulated, the optional sfill
parameters are used to fill closed regions
bounded by fixed edges.
Let (x,z) denote any point inside a closed
region. Values inside
this region is determined by s(x,z) = s00+(x-x0)*dsdx+(z-z0)*dsdz.
The (x,z) component of the sfill parameter is used to identify a
closed region.
The uniformly sampled quantity is assumed to
be sloth=1/v^2.
Craig Artley, Colorado School of Mines, 03/31/94
After a program outlined by Dave Hale, 12/27/90.