VELPERT - estimate velocity parameter perturbation from covariance of imaged depths in common image gathers (CIGs)        

 verpert <dfile dzfile=dzfile >outfile [parameters]              

 Required Parameters:                                      
 dfile                  input of imaged depths in CIGs                 
 dzfile=dzfile          input of dz/dv at the imaged depths in CIGs    
 outfile          output of the estimated parameter        
 noff             number of offsets                        
 ncip             number of common image gathers                 

 Optional Parameters:                                      
 moff=noff  number of first offsets used in velocity estimation 

 1. This program is part of Zhenyue Liu's velocity analysis technique. 
    The input dzdv values are computed using the program dzdv.         
 2. For given depths, using moff smaller than noff may avoid poor      
    values of dz/dv at far offsets. However, a too small moff used     
    will the sensitivity of velocity error to the imaged depth.  
 3. Outfile contains three parts:                          
    dlambda correction of the velocity paramter. dlambda plus    
            the initial parameter (used in migration) will  be   
            the updated one.                         
    deviation     to measure how close imaged depths are to each other 
            in CIGs. Old deviation corresponds to the initial    
            parameter; new deviation corresponds to the updated one.
    sensitivity  to predict how sensitive the error in the estimated   
            parameter is to an error in the measurement of imaged

       error of parameter <= sensitivity * error of depth.       

 Author:  Zhenyue Liu, 12/29/93,  Colorado School of Mines

 Liu, Z. 1995, "Migration Velocity Analysis", Ph.D. Thesis, Colorado
      School of Mines, CWP report #168.