Binary Header Format for SEGY

Byte range Header Description Options
3201-3204 jobid job identification number  
3205-3208 lino line number (only one line per reel)  
3209-3212 reno reel number  
3213-3214 ntrpr number of data traces per record  
3215-3216 nart number of auxiliary traces per record  
3217-3218 hdt sample interval in microsecs for this reel  
3219-3220 dto same for original field recording  
3221-3222 hns number of samples per trace for this reel  
3223-3224 nso same for original field recording  
3225-3226 format data sample format code: 1 = as recorded (no sorting)

2 = CDP ensemble

3 = single fold continuous profile

4 = horizontally stacked

3227-3228 fold CDP fold expected per CDP ensemble  
3229-3230 tsort trace sorting code: 1 = as recorded (no sorting)

2 = CDP ensemble

3 = single fold continuous profile

4 = horizontally stacked

3231-3232 vscode vertical sum code: 1 = no sum

2 = two sum ...

N = N sum (N = 32,767)

3233-3234 hsfs sweep frequency at start  
3235-3236 hsfe sweep frequency at end  
3237-3238 hslen sweep length (ms)  
3239-3240 hstyp sweep type code: 1 = linear

2 = parabolic

3 = exponential

4 = other

3241-3242 schn trace number of sweep channel  
3243-3244 hstas sweep trace taper length at start if tapered (the taper starts at zero time and is effective for this length)  
3245-3246 hstae sweep trace taper length at end (the ending taper starts at sweep length minus the taper length at end)  
3247-3248 htatyp sweep trace taper type code: 1 = linear

2 = cos-squared

3 = other

3249-3250 hcorr correlated data traces code: 1 = no

2 = yes

3251-3252 bgrcv binary gain recovered code: 1 = yes

2 = no

3253-3254 rcvm amplitude recovery method code: 1 = none

2 = spherical divergence

3 = AGC

4 = other

3255-3256 mfeet measurement system code: 1 = meters

2 = feet

3257-3258 polyt impulse signal polarity code: 1 = increase in pressure or upward geophone case movement gives negative number on tape

2 = increase in pressure or upward geophone case movement gives positive number on tape

3259-3260 vpol vibratory polarity code: code seismic signal lags pilot by 1 337.5 to 22.5 degrees

2 22.5 to 67.5 degrees

3 67.5 to 112.5 degrees

4 112.5 to 157.5 degrees

5 157.5 to 202.5 degrees

6 202.5 to 247.5 degrees

7 247.5 to 292.5 degrees

8 293.5 to 337.5 degrees

Bytes 3261-3600 are currently unassigned

This information is basically as supplied in the segy.h file with the additions of the byte locations (reference to the start of the EBCIDIC header not the start of the binary header. All numbers in the binary header are integers.

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