Seismic Unix Help

Data Input/Output

Data QC and Plotting

Header Manipulation

SEGY Header Manipulation

SU Header Manipulation

Trace Manipulation

File Manipulation & Conversion

SU Module Information

SU Processing Modules

Depth imaging/Conversion

Background/General Information

Data Input/Output

SEGYWRITE - Convert SU data to SEGY format


Data QC and Plotting

*EXTBIN - Extract functions and tables from binary or FDM velocity fields

*PSMWIMAGE - Postscript binary plotting with some additional functionality

SUASCII - Print out data and/or header values

SUXMOVIE - Plots 3D SU seismic

*XMWOVIE - Plot to screen 3D FDM files as well as 3D bin files


Header Manipulation

SEGY Header Manipulation

SEGYHDRS - Read SU traces and output EBCDIC and binary SEGY header files

BHEDTOPAR - Converts binary SEGY header to ASCII so it can be edited, prior to converting back to binary using SETBHED

SETBHED - Create a SEGY binary header needed for SEGYWRITE

SU Header Manipulation

SUCHW - Modify header based on other header values


Trace Manipulation

SURANGE - Select or window traces based on a header range

SURESAMP - Resample traces (specify number of samples to output)


File Manipulation & Conversion

*EXTBIN - Convert binary or FDM files to other formats

*FDMSWAPB - Swaps bytes (bigend/little end) of a 2D or 3D FDM format file

*GEOCONV - Convert Geodepth RMS Handvels to Geodepth Int vels.

SUBSET - Extracts a subset of a 3D binary (eg velocity) file

SUSTRIP - Strips the SU header off the seismic, outputting a standard binary file

VELCONV - Converts binary velocity fields from one domain to another.


SU Module Information

SUNAME - Lists the name and a short description of every SU module


SU Processing Modules

Depth imaging/Conversion

*MWZTOT - Converts SU data from depth to time or vice versa using a supplied velocity model


Background/General Information

Binary Header format for SEGY files

Simple shell script arithmetic