MWZTOT (non-standard SU module)
This module was originally written to convert SU files from depth to time using a supplied binary velocity file. Since then it has been extended to convert from time to depth and also accept 3D FDM files. NOTE - the velocity field is supplied as interval velocity in the depth domain when going from either domain to the other.
mwztot < filein dtot= vfile= vform= optional_params > fileout
dtot = 1 , use 1 to convert from depth to time, 0 to convert from time to depth
vfile = Name of the 2d binary or 3D FDM velocity file to use for the conversion.
vform=bin2d (for a binary 2D velocity file), fdm3d (for a 3D FDM format velocity file).
If supplied field bin2d
nvx = Number of samples in the x axis of the velocity field (n2)
dvx = Distance between adjacent velocity nodes in the x axis (m or CDP)
fvx = x location of 1st node in the velocity field (m or CDP)
nvz = Number of samples in the z axis of the velocity field (n1)
dvz = Distance between adjacent nodes in the z axis (m)
fvz = z location of 1st node in the velocity field (m)
If supplied field fdm3d
vnode=1 : The inline (expressed in velocity nodes in the y axis) to extract from the 3D FDM file to use to stretch convert the data
If outputting a time section
ns = The number of time samples to output
dt = Time sample rate (s) to output
If outputting a depth section
ft = 1st time to output (s)
fz = 1st depth to output (m)
Example :
1. extbin < dtot=0 vfile=intvel.bin outform=bin3d nvx=1708 dvx=1 fvx=208 nvz=3500 dvz=2 fvz=0 fz=0 ft=0 nz=3500 dz=2 >
This example converts the input seismic from time to depth using the supplied binary velocity file outputting 3500 samples at 2m intervals. The velocity field starts at CDP 208 and increments 1 CDP per velocity node
2. extbin < filein3d.fdm inform=fdm3d outform=bin2d fy2=100 > fileout2d.bin
This example extracts the inline node 100 from the input 3D FDM format file and outputs it as a standard 2D SU binary file which can be viewed using ximage.
See also :