Produces a new binarary header file (as required for SEGYWRITE). The user specifies the binary header parameters required to be set and the name of the binary header file to be generated.

setbhead bfile=filename.bhead format=* etc.

The user can specifiy the value for each of the binary headers as required (see binary header listing) either in the job or reference the parameters file as any other SU program (par=param.file).

Example :

1. setbhead bfile=test.bhead par=headers.par

This example generates a binary header file (called test.bhead) to use when producing a SEGY format file from SU. The parameters to be set are specified in the ASCII parameters file. The .par file can be manually produced or more likely automatically generated from the SU format data using the segyhdrs and bhedtopar modules.


2. setbhead bfile=test.bhead format=1 hns=4000 nso=201

This example generates a binary header file called test.bhead and sets the header vales for format, sample rate and number of samples. All other values in the header are set to zero.


See also : segyhdrs , bhedtopar , segywrite



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